Cancer is the result of changes in cells undergoing abnormal growth and uncontrolled. Increasing the number of abnormal cells form lumps that is generally called a tumor or cancer. Not all tumors are cancerous. The cancerous tumor called a malignant tumor, whereas the non-cancerous tumors called benign. Benign tumors usually a blob of fat that encased in a container that resembles a bag, benign tumor cells do not spread to other parts of the patient's body.
Via the bloodstream or lymphatic system, often the tumor cells and the resulting toxins out of the compounds and spread to other parts of the body. The cells are then spread will grow in new places, which eventually form a bunch of malignant tumor cells or a new cancer. This process is called metastasis.
Breast cancer including cancer among the most widely discussed because of ferocity that often end in death.
Breast cancer will show the uniqueness in the attack sufferer. Kedanasan cancer is demonstrated by attacking isekitarnya nomal cells, particularly cells that are weak. Ajan Cancer cells grow rapidly, so that patients will enlarge breasts usually do not bleak.
While attacking the surrounding normal cells, cancer also produce toxins and remove cancer cells from parent to rupture. Toxins and cancer cells will spread along the blood stream. Hence we often find cancers that grow in other places as a result metastasisnya. In severe cancer often occurs bleeding
In Indonesia the number of breast cancer patients occupy the second level after cervical cancer.
Why would someone affected by cancer, she said DO NOT KNOWBut medically it can be said that a person likely to have cancer because the carcinogens, immune and psychological aspects.
Cancer cells were constantly growing, and can not die.
Cancer cells can not be back to normal (irreversible).
How treated: with surgery, radiation, and chemical therapy.
Chance of recovering from cancer pain is relatively very small.
The symptoms which indicates presence of Attack Cancer
 the public can see and feel:1. Arise in the breast lump that can be touched by hand, the longer it increasingly hardened lumps and irregular shape2. The shape, size or weight of a breast change3. Arises a small lump under the armpit4. Out of blood, pus, or watery fluid from the nipple5. Breast skin wrinkled like an orange peel6. Shape or direction of nipple changes, such as depressed nipples intoCancer as Abnormal CellsBreast cancer arises as a result of abnormal cells formed on the breast with uncontrolled speed and irregular. These cells are the result of gene mutations with changes in shape, size and function, as our body cells of the original.Mutations of this gene is triggered by the presence of a foreign material that goes into our bodies, including food preservatives, MSG, radioactive, oxidants, or carcinogens produced by the body's own naturally. But the latter is very rare because the body naturally neutralizes carcinogenic substances produced by the body.Together with the flow of blood and lymph flow, cancer cells and toxins they produce can spread throughout the body such as bone, lung, and liver unnoticed by the patient. Therefore not surprising that in patients with breast cancer found a lump in the armpit lymph nodes or other lump. In fact, there are also cancer of the liver and lungs as metastasisnya cancer. Patients often cough that never healed or prolonged shortness of breath.
When we are declared by the doctors tested positive for cancer, the first reaction that arises is extraordinary fear and despair, especially if the cancer is already in an advanced stage. Should excessive fear of this should be avoided, because this fear can weaken us a psychic who ultimately may decrease the body's immune or immune power which exist naturally in the body. The attitude of resignation and begin to understand the following cancer treatments who want to do, would be very helpful in this cancer disease management.PreventionBreast cancer can be prevented by means of:1. Avoid the use of bra that is too tight for a long time2. Avoid a lot of smoke and consume alcohol3. Perform breast self examination every month4. Avoid too much exposed to x-rays or other types of radiation5. Keep your health by consuming fruits and vegetables fresh. We recommend that you frequently consume soy and dairy products, such as tofu, tempeh, and soy milk, because soy contains phyto estrogen, which is genistein, which is beneficial to reduce the risk of breast cancer6. Do exercise regularly7. Avoid eating too many high fat foods8. Overcome stress as well, such as through relaxation and meditation9. Eat turmeric lalap deputy (Intersection mango) are more or less two knuckles every day
Pain Pain is remarkable in a prolonged cancer is one of suffering to be borne by people with cancer. The handling of this pain, in the modern medical world is in fact one of the most difficult problems to overcome. From these observations, difficulty handling the problem of pain is caused by the subjective and psychological factors. Besides, most drugs used to combat pain can lead to drug dependency and trigger atherogenic disease.The most at risk of developing breast cancer, namely:1. If the family have breast cancer2. First got my period at a very young age, or late experience manepause3. Never menyusi child4. Obesity5. Never have children6. Ever get hormone therapy7. Ever get the radiation to the breast
The study, found a slightly decreased risk of breast cancer in pre-menopausal women who breastfeed their children at the latest.
The materials allegedly Trigger Cancer.Triggers are basically NOT YET KNOWN cancer for sure, but there are ingredients suspected as a trigger cancer. The material in question is called carcinogenic.The materials included in the group of carcinogens, namely:1. Senayawa chemicals, such as aflatoxin B1, ethionine, saccarin, asbestos, nickel, chromium, arsenic, charcoal, tarr, smoke cigarettes, and oral contraceptives.2. Physical factors, such as solar radiation, x-rays, nuclear, and radionukleide.3. Viruses, such as RNA viruses (fam. retroviruses), DNA virus (papilloma virus, adeno virus, herpes virus), EB virus4. Chronic irritation and chronic inflammation may develop into cancer5. Genetic weakness in the body's cells, thus facilitating the emergence of cancer.
 Stage Breast CancerIn early-stage breast cancer there is (0, 1 and 2) and advanced stage (3 and 4). Stage 0 means there are cancer cells in the lining of the mammary gland or saluransusu but has not spread into surrounding fatty tissue. In stage 1 and 2, the cancer has spread from the milk glands or ducts to nearby tissues around it. At stage 2 cancer sometimes have begun to interfere with the lymph nodes. Stage 3 breast cancer may be spelled out in local advanced stage, where the tumor diameter was more than two inches and often has spread to lymph nodes near the breast. In stage 4 metastatic cancer has, meaning the cancer has spread from the breast and lymph nodes around the armpit, to other parts of the body such as bone, liver, lungs and brain.

Cancer of the breast that can swell and rupture, if you have this rotten and rancid odor coming out of breasts. Another complaint is shortness of breath due to lung cancer suppress.
Prohibition or Precepts Breast Cancer.If we are stricken with breast cancer, we should avoid or reduce consumption of some types of food intake. Because there are times when certain foods or drinks will spur the growth of abnormal cells, including breast cancer. There is growing among which contain substances that if diasup will stimulate the enlargement of cancer. There is also containing the carcinogenic effect preservation process. And there is also that, if consumed would reduce the effect of drug in the body.Some foods and drinks are recommended to avoid or reduced their consumption:
  1. Bean sprouts
  2. MSG
  3. Tape
  4. Ice
  5. Chili
  6. Reduce salt
  7. Litchi
  8. Alcohol
  9. Pineapple10. Chicory11. Red meat12. Cigarette13. Jackfruit14. Durian15. Soft drinks16. Swamp Cabbage17. Salted fish
Recommendation on Breast Cancer Treatment Period.There are a few recommended foods to be consumed on a regular basis. Consumption may be only one type of material or a mixture of several ingredients. If we're stricken with breast cancer, it is recommended to drink the juice following food ingredients, do one glass twice a day.1. Carrots2. Radish3. Plantain4. Sweet star fruit5. Celery6. Broccoli7. Cabbage8. Apple9. GarlicDrink half a glass of soy milk as well, do it twice a day, or consumption is always 100 grams tempeh every day.
Assorted Green Vegetables Cancer Prevention:1. Bean2. Cassava leaves3. Long bean4. Papaya Leaf
According to Drs. Vivian K. Tjahjadi, from Karyasari, Oboth for breast cancer is a bitter stew, white turmeric, seaweed and taro pearl mice, drunk in the morning afternoon and evening. This herb if taken 12 days, the pain will slowly fade away and the lump is also lost. Breast will return to normal without pain. By drinking this potion chance of breast cancer completely healed.

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